
Arise | Aspire | Accomplish

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About Us

JR Medical College and Hospital is dedicated to advancing the knowledge and practice of medicine for the benefit of society. JR Medical College and Hospital with a vision to establish a multispecialty hospital in Keeledayalam Village of Tindivanam Taluk, Villupuram district, Tamil Nadu, India, where in particular the poor could receive free advanced medical care in an atmosphere of love and compassion. Here we are providing highest standards of medical treatment with help of dedicated team of physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals. Our Institute will reach far beyond the walls of our medical education to improve humanity and health throughout our community and the world providing high quality patient care and training of the next generation of leaders in medical field. JR Medical College and Hospital affiliated to Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai. With the help of our dedicated, talented Doctors, faculty members and staff members, we are confident that JR Medical College and Hospital will succeed and continue to be one of the Best Medical College and Hospital in the Nation.

Our Location

Avanampattu, Kiledaiyalam Village
Tindivanam Thaluk
Villupuram District,Tamilnadu - 604302.


+91 4147 290 290

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